Saturday, September 26, 2009

Temple Beth Am Los Angeles Bat Mitzvah | Alexa

Alexa had her Bat Mitzvah Saturday at the big Temple Beth Am, the beautiful conservative shul on La Cienga Blvd., near Olympic. The conservative synagouge is one of the largest in Los Angeles--Alexa's service was in the main sanctuary--a godsend for a photographer.
We lit Alexa with our video lights, which we feel adds a more "movie" like look than just traditional flash. Fitting, we feel, for a temple in the heart of Hollywood--and a young girl who is destined for stardom! (Alexa is shown here rehearsing with Temple Beth Am cantor Robert Pflug.)

We also produced Alexa's video montage for the reception at the W Hotel in Westwood, and partially set it to the classic song, "Girls Just Want to Have Fun." Boy does she! Here's Alexa having a ball at our photo shoot, being cute for the camera. You go girl!

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